Home Exercise: Hip Rolls on the Stability Ball


PNWP Instructor Emma Uebele demonstrates Hip Rolls on the stability ball. Try this one today for some extra challenge to gluteals, hamstrings, gastrocnemius and spinal mobilizers and stabilizers.


Place the soles of the feet hip distance apart in front of the top of the ball. The pelvis and spine should begin in a neutral position. Arms are placed by the sides.


Inhale: Prepare


Exhale: Roll the spine off the floor one vertebrae at a time beginning at the pelvis until you’re resting between your shoulders blades. Avoid rolling up too high where you can place pressure on the neck. Ideally, you should finish in a bridge position with the pelvis in neutral.


Inhale: Breathe into the sides and back of the rib cage.


Exhale: Articulate back down through the spine, one vertebrae at a time, beginning with the thoracic spine until you’re resting back down on the mat.


Repeat 5-10 times.



Pssst….the unstable nature of the ball may indicate if you have a dominant leg—you may notice yourself rolling off to one side or the other during the roll—try to keep the movement centered and even as you articulate through the spine.