Spot the Difference | Spine Twist Sitting

Spine Twist Sitting is an essential STOTT PILATES exercise. It teaches a client how to rotate well through the thoracic and cervical spine. Spinal rotation is a necessity of daily living and is required movement for many activities including walking, reaching and driving. In fact, it’s so important, that balanced, aligned and segmental spinal rotation should be an integral part of every Pilates class. So, let’s make sure clients are practicing well!


You may be able to tell that there’s a significant difference between image A and B. Which one is correct and why?


Image A
Image B






Image B is correct!

Here’s why:

  • The pelvis is in a neutral position and hips are level
  • In image B the ribcage is centered over the pelvis. In image A the ribcage is shifted to the left creating sheering in the lumbar spine
  • In image B the rotation is evenly distributed through all the vertebra in a balanced way. In image A, the rotation is not well distributed
  • In image B the scapula and shoulders are able to glide easily into slight protraction (left) and slight retraction (right)
  • In image B the head and cervical spine are balanced over the ribs and pelvis. In image A they are not