Tension of Traps often makes our clients want to stretch and get a massage. Melanie explains why a taut trap is often tight due to being too lengthened. Instead of stretching an-already-lengthend-trap, she shows us how to offload and return the tissue back to its appropriate length before it can … Read more about Tight Traps? Don’t be Tricked.

Strength and endurance of deep core muscles are key to a healthy neck especially in conjunction with arm movement. Melanie shows how you can regress and progress prone extension exercises for the cervical … Read more about Multi-Planar Movement | Cervical Spine

The Clam is an excellent exercise...when executed well. Here, Melanie explains why she often uses a stability ball to facilitate movement, and what to look for and … Read more about Reclaim the Clam!

Squish the what?! Melanie provides precautions, tips and her favorite exercise-of-choice to center the glenohumeral joint for clients with shoulder joint instability, a history of dislocations and/or pain, clicking and popping in the … Read more about Shoulder Joint Instability

Arthritic fingers leading to ulnar drift makes it harder to produce a powerful grasp.  Melanie Byford-Young and guest client, Mary, demonstrate spine stretch forward and a series to address varied angles and challenge for the shoulders and forearms while protecting the joints of the … Read more about Arthritis & Hands