One person is not like the other and this is true with lower back pain, as well. In this clip Melanie explains why program choices must be tailored specifically to each … Read more about Personalize Pilates Programs for Low Back Pain

Using the Pilates Stability Chair  as a tool to retrain, re-balance and coordinate the muscles around the hip and trunk, Melanie advises to add lateral hip exercises to help eliminate and minimize the impact of … Read more about Get Dynamic Hips to Prevent Trips

Whether clients are born with hypermobility (greater than average range of motion in joints) or have acquired it through a condition such as MS or a stroke, hypermobility can be a tricky balancing act.  Hyperextension of the knee is just an example.  Melanie Byford-Young shares how to continuously … Read more about Helpful Tips | Hypermobile Knees

Strength and endurance of deep core muscles are key to a healthy neck especially in conjunction with arm movement. Melanie shows how you can regress and progress prone extension exercises for the cervical … Read more about Multi-Planar Movement | Cervical Spine

In the last five years non-traditional approaches to hip replacements are becoming mainstream and tailored more to each client's condition. Master STOTT PILATES Instructor Trainer, Melanie Byford-Young explains why it's important to know to stay current about hip replacement surgeries and understand … Read more about Therapeutic Pilates | Hip Replacements

So imagine a silvery-white material flexible and sturdy in equal measure—a substance the surrounds and penetrates every muscle, coats every bone, covers every organ and envelops every nerve. Fascia keeps everything separate but interconnected at the same time. It is the tissue, that up until … Read more about The Frontier of Fitness: Fascial Movement