Home Exercise: Obliques with a Stability Ball



Oh my obliques! Lie with the STOTT PILATES Mini Stability Ball™ behind the mid-thoracic (upper back). Your lumbar spine (lower back) should be in a slight imprint or neutral. Your knees will be bent with your feet hip distance apart, hands behind head.


Inhale: Prepare

Exhale: Rotate the upper torso to one side, keeping the hips still

Inhale: Return to center

Exhale: Rotate the upper torso to the other side, keeping the hips still

Inhale: Return to center


Repeat 10 repetitions of each side or 5 sets



Pssst….here are two great ways to do this exercise to make it even more challenging:


1. When turning to the right (as seen in the picture), lift up or “puff up the ball” under the left side of the rib cage.

2. Alternatively, when turning in the same direction as #1, cue yourself to press into the ball with the right side of the rib cage.