Flip Flop Foot Tip: Summer Footwear Programming

October 24, 2018

Tease your clients toes with summer programming that counter-balances the habits of open-toed footwear. Melanie Byford-Young gives tips for strengthening the foot, ankle, and toes in this… Read more about Flip Flop Foot Tip: Summer Footwear Programming

Hip Centering: Posture and Alignment

October 24, 2018

Hip pain is a common complaint among clients and it helps if you can begin to identify posture and alignment issues that may be contributing to pain.… Read more about Hip Centering: Posture and Alignment

Hip Centering: Squish the Goo

October 24, 2018

Remember to squish the goo when it comes to preventing Anterior Femoral Head Syndrome. In this second episode, Melanie takes a client through hip centering exercises using… Read more about Hip Centering: Squish the Goo

Shoulder Centering: Scapular Isolation & Squish the Goo

October 24, 2018

Squish the Goo again. This time it’s all about finding center for your humeral head.

Restore Stability of the Neck: Neck Extensors

October 24, 2018

Just in the neck of time. The last clip in our February series takes a closer look at the neck extensors and how they affect the cervical… Read more about Restore Stability of the Neck: Neck Extensors

Restore Stability of the Neck Overview

October 24, 2018

Hold you head up with confidence. Melanie Byford-Young chats about the stabilizers of the neck and how we can retrain dynamic stability through the axis of movement.

Restore Stability of the Neck: Tongue Placement

October 24, 2018

It may be surprising that tongue placement can be a contributor to unnecessary neck tension. Today’s session addresses this sneaky muscle we often forget about when the… Read more about Restore Stability of the Neck: Tongue Placement

Finding Neutral for Hip Retroversion

October 24, 2018

Posture often reflects the repetitious activities we spend hours doing. Today’s session takes a look at hips in retroversion and tips for restoring neutral again.

Restore Upward Shoulder Rotation: Salute with Springs

October 24, 2018

Guiding proper mechanics through scapular movement continues on today’s session. Take a look at the use of salute with springs.

Restore Stability of the Neck: SCM

October 24, 2018

Today Melanie focuses on the roles of the SCM and gives tips for helping your clients feel these muscles at work as well as offering movement and… Read more about Restore Stability of the Neck: SCM

Restore Upward Shoulder Rotation: Springs and Mini Stability Ball

October 18, 2018

What’s in a shoulder shrug? Melanie Byford-Young takes a look at the shoulder and how to build up strength from low load to endurance to restore upward… Read more about Restore Upward Shoulder Rotation: Springs and Mini Stability Ball

Internal Oblique Assessment in Single Leg Stretch

October 18, 2018

Zoom in on the internal oblique. Melanie takes us through Single Leg Stretch and an assessment of this muscle at work.