Raise the Barre

Instructors who know and love STOTT PILATES® will find Total Barre® to be a refreshing way to integrate functional, dynamic movement in every plane—at varied speeds and rhythms.

Ready to bring a new challenge to your practice? Ready to step-it-up for dedicated clients who need more dynamic and functional exercise in their weekly routine? Here are four reasons to raise the barre with Total Barre:


1. Music Motivates Students to Move

Total Barre uses music to send a message to the brain: Pay attention to alignment, posture and specific muscles at an organized pace! Designing an exercise class—to a playlist with a strong beat—energizes clients at all ability levels. We’re all hardwired to respond to music, so Total Barre motivates students to move.




2. It Helps Students Develop New Neural Pathways

A healthy body is adaptive and responsive. Trying new things in new patterns awakens new neural pathways.  Total Barre helps you put the “surprise factor” back into your clients’ training. You’ll inject new challenge, innovation and energy to any exercise practice. And, you’ll have another avenue to identify the so-called “missing links” of clients’ technique and body awareness.


3. It Focuses on Functional Feet

The bottoms of our feet have more than 200,000 nerve endings and more neuroreceptors than anywhere else in the body. Total Barre students practice transferring their weight and testing their balance. They point and flex their feet, tap them, slide them, push them into the floor, and raise them up and down.  As a student progresses, hand weights and ankle straps challenge their ability to align their feet, knees and hips and remain on balance. Students have to think on their feet to quickly coordinate stability, balance and movement.



4. It Will Grow Your Fitness Family

Students love Total Barre because they have fun and enjoy the camaraderie of learning together and tackling new skills. We know that healthy behavior is contagious, so we gravitate toward the exercise choices of those around us. It’s no surprise that group exercise trends continue to be on the rise—many studies highlight the benefits of group exercise for enhancing participant consistency and motivation. That’s good news for the health of your customers and your business!

Annual Total Barre Foundations Courses and ongoing educational workshops are available at Pacific Northwest Pilates. Nab your spot at the barre.


Pacific Northwest Pilates is studio, school and fitness family under one roof. Click to learn more about our education center and studio. Call us for details: (503) 292-4409.