Hand Function and Grasp Using Toning Balls

November 10, 2018

Can you grasp this? A good hand grip is extremely important for everyday tasks. Melanie shows a simple exercise to restore neutral wrist positioning.

Mythbuster: Core Training or Strength Training

November 9, 2018

Core Training or Strength Training? Melanie Byford-Young reveals the secret to focusing on both of these fitness aspects and demonstrates how core use determines what muscles can… Read more about Mythbuster: Core Training or Strength Training

Restore the Capacity to Sit: Adjust and Refine

November 9, 2018

Using the Halo® Trainer, Melanie Byford-Young takes us through a series of small microadjustments and how to refine and tune the capacity to sit well.

Restore the Capacity to Sit: Arms

November 9, 2018

Sitting is all about ease and this is especially true when reaching the arms away from the torso. Melanie Byford-Young demonstates a series of exercises that focus… Read more about Restore the Capacity to Sit: Arms

Restore the Capacity to Sit: Hips

November 9, 2018

Hip, Hip, Hurrah. Today is all about tips for the hips in restoring the capacity to sit well.

Restore the Capacity to Sit Intro

November 9, 2018

What does it take to sit well? Our new monthly series breaks down the ways we can restore the capacity to sit with optimal posture and easy… Read more about Restore the Capacity to Sit Intro

Restore the Capacity to Sit: Thoracic Control

November 9, 2018

Ah, that’s better. Melanie Byford-Young assists gueststar, Karen Shomaker in restoring the capacity to sit better by taking special care of the thoracic region.

Internal and External Cueing Tips

November 9, 2018

How do we use internal and external cues with clients? Research on returning to sport and reaquisition of skill suggests that internal cues work well, but then… Read more about Internal and External Cueing Tips

Restore Upward Shoulder Rotation with Arm Press on Long Box

November 9, 2018

Our series on restoring upward rotation of the shoulders continues. Quite a few of our daily activities require overhead reaching and the shoulder girdle, head, neck and… Read more about Restore Upward Shoulder Rotation with Arm Press on Long Box

Restore Upward Shoulder Rotation with Arm Press in Straps

November 9, 2018

Continuing with our restoring upward rotation to the shoulder girdle series, Melanie Byford-Young and Lulu practice arms pressing in straps. As soon as the hands are above… Read more about Restore Upward Shoulder Rotation with Arm Press in Straps

Forefoot Mechanics and How it Affects the Hip

November 9, 2018

More fun with feet! Melanie Byford-Young explains how improper foot mechanics can lead to hip impingement and how you can correct your client’s foot posture on the… Read more about Forefoot Mechanics and How it Affects the Hip

Patellofemoral Syndrome and Cueing on the Reformer

November 9, 2018

Scuba suits and patello-femoral syndrome—what might these two things have in common? For today’s session, Melanie chats about the structural placement of the pelvis, femur, tibia, and… Read more about Patellofemoral Syndrome and Cueing on the Reformer