Get Dynamic Hips to Prevent Trips

December 21, 2022

Using the Pilates Stability Chair  as a tool to retrain, re-balance and coordinate the muscles around the hip and trunk, Melanie advises to add lateral hip exercises… Read more about Get Dynamic Hips to Prevent Trips

Bump-Up a Pilates Workout with Jumps

December 15, 2022

  Getting ready to run a marathon, purchase a ski pass for the winter season, or join in the Portland Bridge Pedal?  The STOTT PILATES® Jumpboard™ is… Read more about Bump-Up a Pilates Workout with Jumps

Three More Things an Excellent Pilates Teacher Never Says

November 22, 2022

It’s true. Many experience satisfaction and results from gym and popular programs while others report injuries. Nevertheless, Pilates can serve those who wish to avoid injury or… Read more about Three More Things an Excellent Pilates Teacher Never Says

Moving to PNWP | Gyrotonic® & Alexander Technique

November 16, 2022

This month you’ll see a new face at Pacific Northwest Pilates. We’re excited to announce Alex Ballard of Ballard Movement Arts will move to Pacific Northwest Pilates… Read more about Moving to PNWP | Gyrotonic® & Alexander Technique

Bend Your Pilates for a Bow-Legged Body

November 16, 2022

Bowed legs (genu verum) is and outward bowing at the knee—the lower leg  is angled inward (medially) in relation to the femur’s axis, giving the limb overall… Read more about Bend Your Pilates for a Bow-Legged Body

Falling Down Much? | Build Up Capacity

October 20, 2022

Slips, trips, and falls can happen to anyone. Here, Melanie explains how building better capacity in all planes may help to prevent small falls and mishaps from… Read more about Falling Down Much? | Build Up Capacity

Helpful Tips | Hypermobile Knees

September 26, 2022

Whether clients are born with hypermobility (greater than average range of motion in joints) or have acquired it through a condition such as MS or a stroke,… Read more about Helpful Tips | Hypermobile Knees

Yes! Strengthen the neck.

August 17, 2022

Melanie provides great tips, cues and insight as to how to strengthen the torso and cervical spine in multi-planar and multi-loaded ways using the Split Pedal Stability… Read more about Yes! Strengthen the neck.

No Proprioception? Reframe the Aim.

July 20, 2022

Movement instructors are often vexed when teaching a client who has  poor proprioception (a.k.a. low body awareness) and/or by someone who claims that they “don’t feel anything.”… Read more about No Proprioception? Reframe the Aim.

Older Adult benefits from Pilates exercise on the Pilates Reformer

Bone Up With Pilates

July 20, 2022

The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) declares that 54 million U.S. adults age 50 and older are affected by osteoporosis and low bone mass. To Pilates teachers these… Read more about Bone Up With Pilates

PNWP Presents “Breath By Design” with Kim Kraushar

July 13, 2022

We’re pleased to present world renowned, BodyMind fitness innovator Kim Kraushar to Pacific Northwest Pilates this fall. Kim brings over 20 years experience as a program creator,… Read more about PNWP Presents “Breath By Design” with Kim Kraushar